Extensive contacts between Dutch partners and Bremen partners, like OHB, Airbus Defense and Space, ArianeGroup, DLR, Fraunhofer Institute, and many others could be established during this Mission.
Also, excellent exchange of ideas on different Space related subjects between the Dutch and Bremen participants could be accomplished.
In the presence of Her Majesty Queen Maxima, GTM Advanced Structures obtained great interest for its development of Space FML to protect satellites and man-based space stations against high velocity impact and radiation. Special attention was given to the new durable and low-cost CubeSat, which is developed by GTM Advanced Structures in cooperation with Promolding in the frame of the newly founded Technology Park Ypenburg (TPY).
For more information about the unique product line and capabilities of GTM Advanced Structures, please contact us at info@gtm-as.com or visit our website www.gtm-as.com.