On Saturday, July 10, 2021, the Undersecretary of State of the Presidency of the Italian Council of Ministers with responsibility for aerospace policies, Hon. Bruno Tabacci, visited SITAEL headquarters in Mola di Bari. The delegation, welcomed by the founder of Angel Group, Cav. Lav. Vito Pertosa, and by the President of SITAEL, Chiara Pertosa, included the Military Advisor to the President of the Council of Ministers and Secretary of COMINT, Gen. Luigi Francesco De Leverano and the President of ASI, Ing. Giorgio Saccoccia.

The Mola di Bari plant, which currently covers an area of 30,000 square metres including offices and production areas and hosts more than 300 engineers, physicists and specialised technicians, is the multinational company’s centre for design and development, production and testing of space systems. Its research and development activities are supported by the excellent skills offurther 80 engineers and scientists working in branch offices located in Pisa, Forlì, Rome, Treviso, Veria (Greece) and Adelaide (Australia) .

SITAEL’s strategic plan includes a major employment growth programme involving the recruitment of highly specialised professionals, as well as the hiring of young graduates who will undertake a high-level training course to become “super-technicians” for the satellite industry, with training sessions in the company.

In this framework of strong growth in employment, which requires the creation of ad hoc skills that are difficult to find on the market, synergy agreements aimed at research and training were signed   by Pierluigi Pirrelli, SITAEL’s Managing Director of Operations, and the Rector of Bari Polytechnic, Francesco Cupertino, for the institution of a Doctorate of Industrial Research; and by Chiara Pertosa, SITAEL’s President, and Lucia Scattarelli, President of ITS Cuccovillo of Bari (a Higher Technical Institute), for the technical and practical training of new recruits.

” We are grateful – said Chiara Pertosa, President of SITAEL – to Undersecretary Tabacci, General De Leverano, the President of the Italian Space Agency Saccoccia, together with the whole Board of Directors and the excellent managers and scientists the agency is composed of, for the proactive drive given to the whole Italian space industry”.


“I have particularly appreciated,” stated Undersecretary Bruno Tabacci, “SITAEL’s initiative aimed at a strong integration between school, training and the labour market . We shall prepare current and future generations of workers in order to ensure that they have the necessary knowledge and manual skills to carry out the complex and high-precision tasks that new technologies require.”