Fleet Space Technologies – Latest News | Stay Up To Date | Staff Profile: Jose Fernandez, Senior Technical Support Geophysicist

Fleet Space Technologies - Latest News | Stay Up To Date | Staff Profile: Jose Fernandez, Senior Technical Support Geophysicist

What were your studies and your professional background?

I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Geophysics Engineering at the Technological University of Habana Jose Antonio Echeverria in Cuba in 2016. During my last year at the university, I did an internship at DIGICUPET while completing my thesis work, applying active seismic, drillhole geophysical datasets, and artificial neural networks for reservoir delineation. After graduation I worked at Perforation and Exploration of Petroleum Enterprise (EPEP – Centro).

In 2017, I moved to the United States and I started working at Geotab in the IoT industry applied to fleet management in roles of Technical Support and Solutions Engineering where I gained knowledge in telematics, automotive, and software and hardware solution sales/support. Then I worked at Samsara where I supported video telematics, vehicle diagnostics, and asset tracking solutions, and after a total of 5 years with these two companies, I transitioned to Fleet Space Technologies, where I have reconnected with my past in geophysics, now in mineral exploration.

What is your role at Fleet?

I’m a Senior Technical Sales and Support Engineer, and I help our account executives with all technical aspects of the pre-sales process. I also work closely with our account managers, delivery, and technical support teams supporting our customers by designing and planning their ANT surveys and deploying the technology to meet their success criteria. I’m mostly involved with the Sales team, explaining our revolutionary technology to customers all over the world with the most varied geological settings to help accelerate the critical minerals discoveries that we desperately need for the green energy transition. 

Where are you based?  

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

What are you most excited about with ExoSphere’s capabilities?

I’m equally excited for our present and our future. 

Our present: We have created a revolutionary end to end solution for real time ambient noise tomography with the geode (a geophone specifically built for ANT with the highest sensitivity in the market, edge processing to partially process and compress data directly from the field, and satellite connectivity to send seismic and telemetry data in real time), our LEO satellite constellation (what makes real-time possible, the way we have been able to reduce traditional ANT from 3-6 months per survey down to an average of 4 days per survey), and the exosphere portal (where our customers can visualize and interpret their 3D velocity models of the subsurface to better understand depth of cover, basement topography, major faults, structural settings and even directly detect possible mineralized bodies as velocity anomalies). The value that our solution is adding in mineral exploration is unprecedented, and our customers all over the world are covering entire tenements in a fraction of the time with a real time technique that provides great resolution and depth penetration, which is helping them decide exactly where to drill and become more efficient. 

Our future: What we can say, expect more geophysical methods to be integrated into our hardware, more and more features added to our software at rapid development speeds with our customers’ feedback in mind, a growing satellite constellation to support our increasing number of connected devices all over the world, and a product that becomes more efficient and easier to use with every iteration.

What do you love about working at Fleet?

It’s something new everyday. We’re really doing revolutionary things and solving real world problems. Everyone trusts each other’s ability and for a reason, we have incredibly smart and at the same time humble people at Fleet and there’s no room for big egos. We all help each other all the time.

What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you? 

I love soccer, but let’s call it FOOTBALL like most of the world does. I play soccer with friends, also online, watch the news religiously, and I never miss a FC Barcelona game. 

When not at work, how do you spend your time? Any sport, hobbies, passions? 

I like to spend time with my wife (technically fiancee but we’re almost there, we’re getting married in 2 months) just doing life together. Going out to eat and watch a movie, playing board games with friends, and traveling.

What advice would you give to a younger version of yourself?  

Always keep moving forward and working hard even when you don’t see the rewards of your efforts right away. In the long term, all your hard work and skills you’ve developed will start paying off, and when that time comes, work harder because you’re just getting started. 

Which movie star would play you in a movie adaptation of your life?  

Matthew McConaughey, because he is a great actor and I loved Interstellar. We are explorers, so of course I love that movie and I’d pick him 🙂