NAME // Devon Shafer
TITLE // Systems Test Engineer, Mechanical OSE
LOCATION // Cape Canaveral, FL
ROLE IN THE MISSION // “I am a systems test engineer in mechanical operations. My primary responsibilities include system readiness for the ground wind damper, Launch Vehicle on Stand (LVOS) support engineer and a roll engineer during rocket rollouts from the Vertical Integration Facility (VIF) to Space Launch Complex (SLC)-41. I will be the roll engineer during the Atlas V rollout for Amazon’s Project Kuiper Protoflight mission.”
“As the roll engineer, my primary responsibility is to ensure that the launch vehicle is transported to the pad in a safe and timely manner. On the day of rollout, after final preps are complete and we’ve gotten the go ahead, it’s time to pick it up and take our rocket for a walk. During this walk, I monitor the transport system and trouble shoot issues as they arise. A quarter mile down the rails, we set it down at the pad and say our goodbyes, good lucks, and watch it fly.”
BACKGROUND // “I was born and raised in New Jersey and attended college at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University with a major in aerospace engineering. My career in aerospace started in the Air Force. I serve at Patrick Space Force Base, Florida, as a mechanic for the HH-60 and C-130 aircraft.”
“It’s neat to see how we at ULA contribute to military operations out in the field and the advantages they have with the resources that we launch. I’ve been deployed to places all around the world in support of the combat search and rescue mission, and to know I have personally been on the user end of some of these resources is an unmatched feeling of pride and accomplishment for what we do here in launch operations.”
CAREER MEMORIES // “Running my first roll to pad with SBIRS GEO 6 was equal parts frightening and rewarding. Most of my favorite memories are created when things are hitting the fan. These moments force me out of my comfort zone and put me to the test and help me grow as an engineer. I learn the most about the systems I’m responsible for and even more about myself.”
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