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Tag: Astrobotic

Astrobotic announced the unveiling of its Lunar Surface Proving Ground (LSPG) at its facility in Mojave, CA. The approximately 100mx100m high-fidelity 3D test field mimics the topography and optical properties of the Moon’s surface. The LSPG’s terrain is modeled after...
Astrobotic has been selected by NASA’s Mars Exploration Program for two concept studies of commercial services to support lower-cost, higher-frequency missions to Mars. The company will examine how two potential commercial services, payload delivery and surface imaging, could enable...
The inaugural flight of NASA's commercial lunar delivery service has concluded, marking a significant milestone in the agency's efforts to advance lunar exploration. Astrobotic's Peregrine Mission One successfully completed its 10-day and 13-hour journey in space before making a...
Washington (AFP) Jan 9, 2024
A historic private mission to land on the Moon faced near-certain failure Monday after the spacecraft suffered a "critical loss" of fuel, dealing a major blow to America's hopes of placing its first robot on the lunar surface in five decades. Fixed to the top of United Launch Alliance's new Vulcan rocket, which was making its first flight, Astrobotic's Peregrine Lunar Lander blasted off over
Washington DC (SPX) Jul 27, 2023
NASA has selected 11 U.S. companies to develop technologies that could support long-term exploration on the Moon and in space for the benefit of all. The technologies range from lunar surface power systems to tools for in-space 3D printing, which will expand industry capabilities for a sustained human presence on the Moon through Artemis, as well as other NASA, government, and commercial mission
Astrobotic announced that the company won a $34.6M NASA Tipping Point partnership to demonstrate power transmission on the lunar surface. The award will result in a demonstration on the Moon called LunaGrid-Lite, which will transmit power from a lunar...
Blue Origin and its National Team partners have been awarded the NextSTEP-2 Appendix P Sustaining Lunar Development (SLD) contract by NASA. The team includes Lockheed Martin, Draper, Boeing, Astrobotic, and Honeybee Robotics. The contract will see the development and flight...
Pittsburgh, PA – May 23, 2023 – Astrobotic, as part of the Blue Origin National Team, announced Friday a contract win for NASA’s Artemis program to develop and provide human and large cargo lunar landing services to support America’s...
Peregrine is assembled and ready for its journey to Florida for integration with our launch vehicle, United Launch Alliance (ULA)’s Vulcan Centaur. While the Astrobotic team is looking forward to launch, we understand ULA is conducting an investigation following...
Laurel, Maryland – Astrobotic announced today during the spring Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium (LSIC) its purchase of launch services aboard a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket for its third upcoming lander mission to the Moon. This mission will launch an...