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Tag: PLD Space

Berlin, Germany (SPX) Jan 25, 2024
In a significant development for the European space sector, PLD Space, a Spain-based aerospace company, has been chosen by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Commission (EC) to participate in the prestigious Flight Ticket Initiative. This program is designed to form a consortium of private launch providers to cater to the space access demands of European institutions. PLD Spa
Madrid (AFP) Oct 7, 2023
A Spanish company launched the country's first private rocket on Saturday in a step towards bringing Spain into the exclusive club of space-faring nations. The launch of the small MIURA1 rocket took place at 02:19 am (0019 GMT) from a military base in the southern region of Andalusia, according to the company, PLD Space. The company hailed the launch as "successful" and said it had achie
Elche, Spain (SPX) Sep 15, 2023
PLD Space, the company that designs, develops, manufactures and operates Europe's first private launcher, signs an agreement with WISeSat.Space, a subsidiary of WISeKey International Holding Ltd., the global leader in cybersecurity, AI, Blockchain and IoT, to launch the next generation of ultra-secure sub-500 kg satellites for Quantum-Ready Internet of Things (IoT) communications with the MIURA