On March 21, 2023, the Board of Directors of SATLANTIS MICROSATS formulated the best results in the company’s history. These figures are also supported by the audit carried out by KPMG for the second consecutive year. SATLANTIS’ 2022 figures highlight...
From left to right: Mikel Amundarain, Vice-Minister of Industry of the Basque Government; Juan Tomás Hernani , CEO of SATLANTIS; Arantxa Tapia, Minister of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment of the Basque Government; Robert Khachatryan, Minister of High-Tech Industry...
The European Commission authorises SATLANTIS to acquire from EVERIS its space activity in the area of Defence and Earth Observation. The two companies have entered into a strategic alliance that started in 2016 and has produced important results such as...
“Explore”, the Research blog of the University of Florida has published on December 6, 2022 an article on SATLANTIS’ origins, tracing back the success story of the Company specialized in the development of high...
The new constellation is planned to be launched as a collection of four satellites in total, each capable of under 1-meter resolution imaging. ICEYE, the owner of the world’s largest synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) satellite constellation and SATLANTIS, a leading New...
The US company Encino Environmental Holdings, LLC (EEH) enters in SATLANTIS’ capital as a strategic partner, with the support of Williams, BP Energy Partners, and EnCap Investments LLC. Encino Environmental Holdings joins Enagás, SEPIDES, AXIS-ICO, ORZA, CDTI and the Provincial...
SATLANTIS CEO and YEESS (Young European Enterprises Syndicate for Space) President, Juan Tomás Hernani, has recently been interviewed by the Bankinter Innovation Foundation (Fundación Innovación Bankinter – FIBK), representing our Company as an example of innovation benchmark in the...


After a successful liftoff on December 21st, 2021, performed from Kennedy Space Centre in Cape Canaveral and a smooth orbit insertion, SATLANTIS’ optical payload iSIM-90 is flying to the ISS on the SpaceX CRS-24 cargo spacecraft integrated in the...
The two companies have met to formalize NAX powered by SATLANTIS with a clear objective: to deepen the agreement signed last September, to develop new value-added solutions for satellite precision agriculture, taking advantage of NAX’s deep knowledge of the...
After 7 years of technological development and an investment of more than 16 million €, the Spanish company SATLANTIS has achieved a major milestone within the Space industry. For the first time, a miniaturised Earth Observation camera capable of...