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Tag: Simera Sense

Simera Sense, specialized in Earth observation optical imaging solutions, raises €13.5m in growth investment round Simera Sense, is providing end-to-end optical payload solutions to the small satellite Earth observation industry, has recently raised €13.5 million in its first major fundraise....
 SPATIAL ACCURACYRADIOMETRIC ACCURACYSPECTRAL ACCURACYTEMPORAL ACCURACYEffective Aperture DiameterLarger aperture results in a higher diffraction limit which will directly impact MTF.The larger the aperture area or, the smaller the F#, the more photons the signal can be captured.The effective aperture of...
Behind every beautiful picture, there is more than what the eye meets. For example, many photographers may tell you that their choice of an instrument directly impacts their results. After all, it is the camera that transforms the photons...
We are all too aware that gold (nearly) passed as the most significant economic asset. Then, in the second half of the previous century, floating currencies, regulated by supply and demand, became the new standard. These economic forces, linked...
The performance of a Cubesat optical payload, as with any other electronic imaging system, is a function of its ability to capture photons and as many of them as possible during the integration time. Again, when looking at smartphone...
Using very high-resolution satellite imagery to calculate volumes of land features, open cast mine depth, heaps of extracted or stockpiled materials, or other three-dimensional objects, delivers unique insights from space about critical points in global supply chains, particularly for...
Many regards multispectral imagers as the workhorse of spaceborne Earth Observation. Traditionally, large satellites performed multispectral imaging delivering repeatable imaging products used across a comprehensive spectrum of applications. Most of the successes of Earth Observation information systems were built...
The end-to-end CubeSat camera resolution, or rather spatial resolution, is best quantified by MTF. As a result, knowing the end-to-end MTF of a CubeSat Camera allows a systems engineer to make appropriate selection choices when optimizing the CubeSat Camera...
In an earth observation context, we see RAW data as the individual, digitized pixels within an image, where a pixel is the smallest data unit produced by an optical payload’s sensor. In its purest form, Earth Observation data is...
The success of a tip and cue process with CubeSat cameras is a function of the data analysis’s latency and accuracy.For example, when looking at identifying illegal deforestation, the daily monitoring of a forest at 5m GSD in four...